This service is provided by Resguarda, an independent irregularities reporting company.
Your report is anonymous, confidential and secure
This line is not an emergency service. Do not use this service for inmediate emergencies
Enter the first letters of the company to start the filter.
Where to report
To follow-up your report, click on the “Follow-Up” button, you must have the code assigned and delivered at the time of having fulfilled it.
Upon entering, you will be able to provide more details about the reported case and also attach evidence. Once this information is included, it will be received by the company's Reception Committee, which can use it to guide the investigation.
If you have any questions, please contact Resguarda at [email protected] or the toll-free number for your country.
At VRIO we are committed to conducting business with the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior. This standard is an important foundation for an enriching customer experience, successful relationships with our partners and a rewarding corporate culture. If you have any questions about our Ethics Policy or wish to file a complaint, you may do so through this website or by sending an email to [email protected]. All reports made through our hotline or website will be reviewed and investigated in the strictest confidence by Vrio's Asset Protection Offices. Click here to download a copy of our Ethics Policy.
Frequently Asked Questions about Resguarda