In the Cencosud group companies we adhere to the strictest ethical and legal behavior, being always respectful of our history and our values. Our Code of Ethics, signed by everyone, reflects the way we do things, reflects the commitments that guide our relationship with stakeholders and is an essential part of our internal culture.
Our Ethical Commitments:
To download our Code of Ethics, please click here
Learn more about Prevention of Crime and Fair Competition:
In agreement with the Code of Ethics of Cencosud S.A. and his related companies, his compromise with the honesty and transparency includes to put focus on avoiding situations of “Money Laundering”, “Financing of Terrorism” and “Bribery to public officials” crimes, according to the laws of each country.
In Cencosud, the affiliated companies, it protects the society and the corporate reputation, therefore any of the activities mentioned before are rejected. In case of detecting the occurrence of any of these facts that may affect the honesty and transparency of Cencosud, it must be denounced through the contemplated media in the Code of Ethics and/or the emails [email protected] and [email protected]
The fair competition is one of the pillars for the correct and efficient functioning of the markets, since it leads to lower prices, more alternatives, better products and encourages innovation.
In the pursuit of legitimate business opportunities and in its relationship with customers and suppliers, Cencosud has a strong commitment to compliance with the rules of fair competition in all the countries in which it operates. In fact, our customers expect us to compete independently and fairly in all the markets in which we participate. Therefore, any behavior that may violate the rules of fair competition or damage the company's reputation must be avoided.
In this context, Cencosud has fair competition programs in place that seek to prevent the commission of anticompetitive illicit acts. These programs are administered by the respective Legal Departments of Cencosud and/or by the Fair Competition Compliance Officer, who - together with the legal advisors in their respective countries - can also be consulted directly through the following e-mail addresses: [email protected]
To track your report click in the button “Follow-up”, you must have the report code assigned and delivered at the time of having made it.
By logging in, you can provide more details of the reported case , as well as attach evidence.
Once this information is included, it will be viewed by the Cencosud group reception committee, which can use it to guide the investigation and to give you an answer.
If you have any questions, please contact Resguarda at [email protected] or the toll-free number for your country.