Code of Ethics

In the Cencosud group companies we adhere to the strictest ethical and legal behavior, being always respectful of our history and our values. Our Code of Ethics, signed by everyone, reflects the way we do things, reflects the commitments that guide our relationship with stakeholders and is an essential part of our internal culture.

Our Ethical Commitments:

  • We interact with respect, transparency, dignity and equality.
  • We ensure fair and equitable treatment of our suppliers, promoting mutual respect, objectivity and honesty.
  • We take care of Cencosud and client information, and we do not disclose information that is confidential or could damage the reputation of our Company or our clients.
  • We reject any crime that could be related to Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism, Bribery, Reception or others.
  • We declare any action or relationship that may “be or appear to” a conflict of interest.
  • We comply with the policies and procedures of the Company, and respect the regulations and laws in force in each country.
  • We do not receive gifts, invitations or incentives from suppliers or clients, because they generate subsequent obligations.
  • We protect the Company's assets and handle the security of our information responsibly.

To download our Code of Ethics, please click here

Learn more about Prevention of Crime and Fair Competition:

In agreement with the Code of Ethics of Cencosud S.A. and his related companies, his compromise with the honesty and transparency includes to put focus on avoiding situations of “Money Laundering”, “Financing of Terrorism” and “Bribery to public officials” crimes, according to the laws of each country.

In Cencosud, the affiliated companies, it protects the society and the corporate reputation, therefore any of the activities mentioned before are rejected. In case of detecting the occurrence of any of these facts that may affect the honesty and transparency of Cencosud, it must be denounced through the contemplated media in the Code of Ethics and/or the emails [email protected] and [email protected]

The fair competition is one of the pillars for the correct and efficient functioning of the markets, since it leads to lower prices, more alternatives, better products and encourages innovation.

In the pursuit of legitimate business opportunities and in its relationship with customers and suppliers, Cencosud has a strong commitment to compliance with the rules of fair competition in all the countries in which it operates. In fact, our customers expect us to compete independently and fairly in all the markets in which we participate. Therefore, any behavior that may violate the rules of fair competition or damage the company's reputation must be avoided.

In this context, Cencosud has fair competition programs in place that seek to prevent the commission of anticompetitive illicit acts. These programs are administered by the respective Legal Departments of Cencosud and/or by the Fair Competition Compliance Officer, who - together with the legal advisors in their respective countries - can also be consulted directly through the following e-mail addresses: [email protected]


  • Argentina: 0800 348 1003
  • Brasil: 0800 580 2895
  • Chile: 800 914 601
  • Colombia: 018005 185 244
  • Perú: 0800 70272
  • China: +86 21 60314569
  • Uruguay: 000 4052 96728


Follow-up report

To track your report click in the button “Follow-up”, you must have the report code assigned and delivered at the time of having made it.

By logging in, you can provide more details of the reported case , as well as attach evidence.

Once this information is included, it will be viewed by the Cencosud group reception committee, which can use it to guide the investigation and to give you an answer.


If you have any questions, please contact Resguarda at [email protected] or the toll-free number for your country.


Is an external and independent company, specialized in providing the ethic line service, hired by Cencosud for the reception of their complaints. The complaint can be made in an anonymous way, confidential and free. Their channels are available for employees, Clients, Suppliers, and others. It is important to consider that the identification of the complainant can make easier the investigation process

  • Specify the place where the events occurred (country, flag, site).
  • Identify data of the reported person (name, surname, position).
  • Describe the events denounced in a clear, complete and precise manner, specifying the facts that constitute the situation or conduct denounced, detailing if there are antecedents or providing them as evidence, the place, date, time, information on the persons involved and/or details of persons who witnessed or are aware of the events reported.
  • Typology associated with the reported facts.
When you file a report, it will be assigned a code, which must be kept for follow-up purposes.

It is defined as mandatory for the whistleblower to provide at least the following information:

  • Aggressions, threats, intimidation, discrimination, mobbing and/or sexual harassment.
  • Conflict of interest with internal or external Cencosud personnel.
  • Internal fraud, theft, corruption and other similar irregularities.
  • Theft and disclosure of confidential information.
  • Misuse of Cencosud's goods, resources or image.
  • Any breach of contract, internal health and safety standards, Cencosud policies or procedures or the laws in force in each country.

Situations that in the first instance can be addressed and consulted with your Direct Management or HR/Personnel managers, such as:

  • General questions or doubts about labor issues.
  • Personal conflicts or problems (unrelated to Cencosud).

Resguarda informs Cencosud within 24 working hours of the complaint. Subsequently, the process of analysis of the report and background information provided by the whistleblower begins, then each complaint is referred internally to Cencosud for investigation.

The following are the enabled channels:

  • Toll free numbers:Argentina 0800 348 1003 | Brazil 0800 580 2895 | Chile 800 914 601 | Colombia 018005 185 244 | Peru (Coming soon) | China(+86 21) 60314569
  • Opción 1: Operator
  • Opción 2: Answering machine
  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • Web form.
  • E-chat at the bottom of this page.
  • WhatsApp: Spanish +56 232 150 270 | Portuguese +56 232 150 271 | English +56 232 150 272

You must use a report code provided at the time of making the report to consult in the “Follow-up” section in this page. Additionally, the follow-up can be done through an operator on the toll free phone.
This code will be given only once at the time of making the report by phone, web, chat or email; therefore, it is recommended not to lose this access data and to keep it in a safe place.

Es una situación en que un Colaborador de cualquier empresa que pertenezca a la compañía, cualquiera sea su cargo, utilice sus contactos, influencia, posición dentro de Cencosud, en beneficio propio o de sus familiares inmediatos o de personas vinculadas a él o ella, ya sea que se trate de beneficios económicos o de cualquier clase.
La definición de Conflictos de interés incluye las siguientes situaciones:

  • Conflicto de interés real: corresponde a una situación donde los interés personales del colaborador interfieren o se contraponen con los interés u objetivos de la compañía, afectando la capacidad de tomar decisiones objetivas, es decir se permite presumir la falta de independencia o imparcialidad en la toma de decisiones.

  • Conflicto de interés potencial: Corresponde a una situación en la que la persona podría verse influida en el futuro por su interés personal a la hora de hacer un juicio profesional o emitir opiniones o en la toma de decisiones desde la posición o cargo que ocupa.

  • Conflicto de interés aparente: Corresponde a una situación en la cual existen condiciones que pueden restar imparcialidad (o dar la apariencia de ello) en las decisiones que deba tomar la persona debido a su cargo o responsabilidad.

  • Will the situation or relationship influence my business or management decision at Cencosud?
  • Will the situation or relationship benefit me, a friend or family member?
  • If the situation or relationship became public, would I feel embarrassed or uncomfortable or would the Company have reasonable doubts about my independence in the management of my position?
  • Could the situation or relationship interfere with my ability to perform my job or duties independently and without pressure?
  • Could the situation or relationship cause anyone to believe that my job or duties are affected in their independence in making decisions appropriate to my position?

  • Inform your direct leaders.
  • Make the declaration of conflicts of interest that the Human Resources Management has enabled for this purpose.
  • The employee who declares to be affected by a conflict of interest, from the moment they communicate it, has the duty to abstain or expressly disqualify themselves from participating and/or making any decision in Cencosud matters related to the declared conflict.
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