Welcome to ConfidenciALE
the ethics line of ALE Combustíveis S.A.

This service is provided by Resguarda, an independent whistleblowing company.
Your report is anonymous, confidential, and secure.

Make a Report

Free Phone

0800 891 4636 / 0800 591 2234

Follow Up

To track your complaint, click on the following button. You will need the code assigned and provided at the time of submission.
Once logged in, you will be able to provide more details about the reported case and also attach evidence.

Once this information is included, it will be viewed by the Receiving Committee of ALE Combustíveis S.A., who may use it to guide the investigation and provide a response.

Follow up

For any inquiries, please contact Resguarda at [email protected] or by phone at 0 800 891 4636 / 0800 591 2234.


It is an independent company that provides the reporting channel service to report irregularities, anonymously, confidentially and free of charge for all employees, suppliers and customers of the company that has contracted its services.

You can report the incident to Resguarda as usual, and it will be investigated independently without the accused being aware of the complaint.

Any situation that goes against Norms and Laws, Internal Policies and Procedures, and our Code of Conduct:

  • Internal fraud, theft, corruption, and other similar irregularities.
  • Gender discrimination and any other type of discrimination.
  • Misuse of internal information.
  • Conflict of interest.
  • Misuse of company assets.
  • Violations related to Health, Safety, and Environment.

  • Free Phone
    • Option 1: Operator
    • Option 2: Recorded Message
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Web Form.
  • E-Chat.
  • WhatsApp: +54 11 5365-8978

No, if you wish, the report can be made anonymously. However, your contribution is very important during the investigation. Remember to keep the report code and access the platform periodically, as we may need to communicate while maintaining anonymity.

Once your report is submitted, the receiving committee will be notified within 24 business hours.

You will need to use the report code provided at the time you submitted it. Go to the "tracking" section at report.resguarda.com/seguimiento or through this page. Additionally, tracking can be done through an operator on the toll-free number.

Resguarda provides these numbers only once at the time of making the complaint by phone, web or via email; therefore, it is recommended not to lose these access data and keep them in a safe place.