This service is provided by Resguarda, an independent reporting and irregularity company. Your report is anonymous, confidential and secure.
You are about to enter a report related to Prohibited Practices.
You may denounce any practice related to fraud, corruption, coercion, collusion, or obstruction related to projects or operations executed with CABEI financing.
You are about to enter a report related to Environmental / Social.
You can report potential effects related to environmental and social risks or impacts associated with operations financed with CABEI resources or administered by it.
Your report will reach the Environmental and Social Office for validation.
The mechanism for addressing environmental and social reports or complaints of the BCIE will process personal information in accordance with the information access policy. The CABEI will not disclose any information that may reveal your identity without your consent.
You are about to enter a report related to Ethics / Code of Conduct.
You may report violations of ethical standards or code of conduct by CABEI personnel.
Your report will reach the Ethics Committee for validation.
You are about to submit a report related to internal enviroment managment
You can report Irregularities or environmental impacts generated by the operation of their facilities and/or buildings
You are about to enter a report related to any other irregularities not covered in incidents that preceded.
You may report an unusual operation of Money Laundering / Financing of Terrorism, non-compliance with sanctions regulations, complaints in the acquisitions process and any other irregularity you consider.
To enlarge your report click the option “expand report”, you must have the report code assigned and delivered at the time of having made it.
By logging in, you can provide more details of the reported case , as well as attach evidence. Once this information is included, it will be viewed by the company's CABEI, which can use it to guide the investigation.
If you have any questions, please contact Resguarda at [email protected] or the toll-free number for your country.
Frequent Questions about the Report Channel of BCIE
Questions about Fraud / Corruption (Prohibited Practices)
Questions about Environment / Social
Questions about Ethics / Standards of Conduct
Questions about Internal Environmental Management